A great training track

June 3, 2013 in News

Shane Hutton is an ultra runner (crazy man if you ask me) and he was looking for a great location to do a training run; he thought the Goldfields Track looked like a good option.

To run you say?  Yes to run.  Okay, so what he allowed himself 4-5 days?
No, just TWO.
So he and another ultra (crazy?!) running buddy, Michael Collins did just that.

Bendigo to Daylesford on Day 1, Daylesford to Ballarat on Day 2.  They didn’t quite make the Daylesford to Mt Buninyong connection, but I think we’ll forgive them. Read his own blog about the run.

What a huge effort guys, very well done.  But why I hear you ask?

Shane is training so he can Run Around the Bay in (a bit more) than One Day.  Shane is doing the Around the Bay run to raise money for Shake It Up, finding a cure for Parkinson’s Disease.

Shane is looking for people to join him as he Runs Around the Bay – you can join him for just 1km or the whole lot!
Run or ride your bike and support Shane in his efforts to raise money for this important research.

Good luck Shane, and we applaud you on your choice of training ground!