Mollongghip Hall

The village of Mollongghip is just over 22km from Creswick, and makes for an excellent overnight camping location, or rest spot as you travel the Wallaby Track. The focus of the area is the small, 110 year old weatherboard Hall in largely original condition.

Track visitors can camp in the grounds and make use of the kitchen at the rear of the Hall which boasts a spacious open plan dining area and original handcrafted built-in cupboards. With hot and cold running water and one outdoor toilet, you’ll be set for the night.

The Hall is a drawcard for the local community and hosts an annual cycle of events of plays, concerts and dances. Its latest resurgence sees the introduction of progressive dinners, poetry slams and beer tastings along with informal Saturday morning gatherings where people pick up their newspapers and enjoy coffee and muffins with others in the community. So you might just find you have company and entertainment during your overnight stay.

There is a nominal charge of $10 per person per night, and bookings should be made by calling Rhonnie Dryne or emailing as per the details shown above.

Visitors are asked to please dispose of their own rubbish and leave the hall as you found it.


  • Kitchenette Facilities
  • On-site Car Park