Golden Nugget Discovery Tours

Discover the Goldfields Track with a personalised small or private group Ecotourism walking experience. You’ll walk through beautiful countryside, stay in wonderful accommodation; enjoy delicious meals and all with the assistance of an experienced eco-guide.

Our walking tours over a “European style” walking experience with a morning walk, followed by morning tea in a nearby town, then another walk along the Goldfields Track before stopping at another town for lunch, followed by another walk in the afternoon or maybe wine tasting or visit a local event.

We offer ½ Day, 1 Day and 2-3 Day walks on the Goldfields Track.
The total walking distance each day is no longer than 15 km.

Our Goldfields Track Tours walk on sections of the Wallaby Track (Mt Buninyong to Creswick) and the Dry Diggings Track (Daylesford to Castlemaine).

Wallaby Track: Walking with your Eco guide on the Wallaby Track you get it all – from splendid views of the surrounding countryside from Mt Buninyong, near Creswick you traverse through forests over historic goldfield sites, to the creeks and mineral springs near Daylesford.

Walks on the Wallaby Track are:
a. Mt Buninyong walk,
b. Creswick Miners walk,
c. Anderson’s Tramway walk, and
d. Wombat Forest walk.

Dry Diggings Track: Broken into four sections, you’ll walk through wet temperate forests on top of the Great Dividing Range at Daylesford to the dry northern plains and gold diggings at Castlemaine. The Tipperary walk contours on steep slopes through pleasant bush following watercourses on the outskirts of the twin gold rush and mineral spa towns of Daylesford and Hepburn Springs. The Mt Franklin View walk largely follows rough 4WD tracks through scrubby box forest, and the Cry Joe walk offers a fascinating insight into the gold rush era, visiting the remains of one of the most famous mines of the Castlemaine district.

Walks on the Dry Diggings Track are;
a. Tipperary walk,
b. Mt Franklin View walk,
c. Golden Mountain walk, and
d. Cry Joe Walk.

Established in 2003, Golden Nugget Discovery Tours is a member of Ecotourism Australia, the Goldfields Track walk is Ecotourism Certified, and we pride ourselves on being a genuine and authentic Green Tour Operator, our tours are Carbon Offset, we Tread Lightly and Environmentally / Sustainably managed.

Check our website for prices and departure information.